Monday 2 September 2013

31 - RA 10 - Brotherly Bonds

You know, I am very impressed with us.

I am actually writing this on Sunday instead of my usual Tuesday afternoon/night time slot because of my humbleness of being one of the Lyons brothers. When we started this blog three months ago, we were three different people, living in two different countries, writing about three different lives. But on Friday, we found something that all of us were invested in, the soundtrack to a amazing video game, and we all knuckled down and collectively did something with that investment.

Sure, it’s only a review of a series of BGM’s from a game that no-one played, but we came together to do it. We had a common goal. We wanted to let go of our problems and petty little concerns, and just spend a little while reveling in something we were passionate about. And in that regard, I think we’ve never been closer as brothers.

And now that you’re both elated with praise and feelings of brotherhood, my chapter is still not done. I’m sorry, but writing a chapter is hard, and unlike you Dan, I don’t somehow get everything done to the deadline. But in all fairness, Dan, why can we still not put up PDFs. Seriously, this shouldn’t be hard. Make an account on the uploading website, then upload the PDFs and put the link in a blog. Come one man, it’s only slightly funny. In a few weeks, it’s gonna have reduced to a slight giggle, and no-one wants the slight giggle, they want the full raucous laugh.

Theme of the Week:
This weeks theme draws on something quite relevant to us, brothers. Each of us has to describe a well known, or high achieving pair of brothers in their chosen field (books, movies, music) and talk about them and their brotherhood. Or just their work… that’ll probably be easier.

Author brothers are hard to come by, and usually they don’t work on the same book, but the pair of brothers I’m going with are:

The Brothers Grimm.

Born in Germany 13 months apart (as opposed to our 4 and 6 year separations) from each other, they led very interesting lives. Wilhelm, the older, was like a father to his younger brother Jacob for a lot of their adolescence. They supported one another and were very close in their studies and hobbies. They didn’t write all of their work, but collected and rewrote for a modern audience a great number of classical German fables, folklore and fairytales. Writing for children is the kind of thing that you can only do when you have very eager support. In the mind of an author, a particular event or action can seem totally child friendly, because in the author’s mind, the emotions are a certain way, and the thoughts of the characters are a certain way, but in reality, it might just be horrible and give children nightmares. The fact that the two worked together so closely and for so many years is absolutely remarkable. These days, things like sibling rivalry and alpha male competition and many first world distractions almost ensures that this would never happen. But here we have two brothers who both wanted to collect and present these classical stories, and by supporting each other and working together, they successfully put together some of the most well known stories today. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Rumpelstiltskin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and many others.

Those are my writer brothers. It just shows that when brothers really work at having a strong relationship, being in each lives, and supporting each other, great things can come of it.

I’ll hear about your brothers in the next couple days.

R. A. Lyons.

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