Monday 2 September 2013

32 - DL 11 - Binding Brothers

Evening brothers

I’m kinda busy at the moment, and writing two blogs last week has left me kinda over this whole blog thing so I’m going to write a pretty short blog this week.

Theme Of The Week

The Coen Brothers

There are many great pairs of filmmaking brothers to talk about, and in theory it is a very solid strategy. One brother can direct the crew and handle the visual side of things, while the other directs the cast and acting side of the production. Then in post-production one brother could handle editing and the other sound and color grading. Any division of labor when it comes to something as big as a feature film is a good thing. It doesn’t always work out, but one case that has brought a hefty amount of classic cinema is the Coen brothers.

With such films as ‘The Big Lebowski,’ ‘Fargo,’ and ‘Burn After Reading’ to their name, it is easy to see the advantages in this filmmaking duo. They even have a fake name for their editor who doesn’t exist because they edit their films together. And if you’ve ever tried to edit a film, it is something best done with someone who get along with very well.

Comedies, dramas, tragedies, thrillers, they’ve been around the block in terms of quality content. Filmmaking is something that is very easily taken to a personal level, and having someone else compromising that can seem like a personal attack. It just goes to show that being open to co-operation and respecting the people closest to you, you can form lasting and fruitful relationships.

Favorite Song Of The Moment
            ‘Nemesis King Koopa’ from Super Mario Galaxy. An epic and operatic piece that plays during most of your boss battles with the great turtle dinosaur during the game. It builds and swells as the battle goes on, adding in the choral parts giving added amounts of epic and weight to the showdown.

You know it seems like we’re putting music from video games a lot more than actual singing music. Maybe next songs of the moment from each of us has to be from an actual album? Take that as next weeks challenge.

To wrap up

My next film is about a scout leader finding a lost child in nature just after sunset. It is meant to be dark and forboding, and set up some kind of horror film with supernatural creatures and everything. I’ll probably never write, but it was a fun little film to write.

Till next time.

Daniel Lyons.

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