Wednesday 9 October 2013

46 - RA 15 - The Brick Wall Of The Future

You know brothers, I had an interesting deep n’ meaningful conversation the other day

Deep n’ meaningfuls (or DnMs) are when two or more people cut the jokes and the witty banter, and the wild gesticulations, and just sit back and have a proper, meaningful, relevant conversation. It can be about anything, as long as it’s something important that has impact on your life. It can be about family, friends, work, school, University, a career, self esteem problems, being depressed, being sick, being broke. Anything that has impact on your life. We are a thoughtful generation, doing a much larger amount of thinking about these types of topics than we otherwise would.

The flip side of course is that we do very little thinking about things like sex and drinking and partying and drugs that don’t immediately seem to have a larger impact, but that’s a blog for another time.

So I was having a Cowboy Bebop marathon (sort of, we got about 4 episodes in) and paused it because the two friends who were with me, a boy and a girl, both of whom were a year older than me, paused it because they started about their jobs.

I haven’t had a job in a while, and the job that I had didn’t last long and was only part time, so I was mostly just listening as they talked. One of them had just gotten a full time job offer that he could take once he finished high school at the end of year, which was not exactly far away.

It sounded like a nice enough job, but he was pretty nervous about it. The thing is, we are used to having school. School is kind of a constant, an unmoving, unchanging schedule that everything else is placed around. Our social lives, our jobs, our hobbies, all of it happens around school. What’s more, school doesn’t end at the end of a school day, it continues. It consumes your nights, your weekends, your holidays, your showers, your hours spent surfing youtube. All of it is really just a part of school.

And we are not unhappy about this, nor are we filled with joy, we just are. This is just how we live. So when all of this suddenly changes, like for example, when you are going to finish high school and go straight into a full time job, everything changes. Suddenly it is not all consuming, you go to work in the morning, do your job, then go home at closing time and that’s it. There’s no homework, or assignments, or constant shower worrying, you’re just left with nothing. Just getting on with your thing, maybe going out, killing time, drinking a lot, spending your money on things you only kind of need, and possibly spending time with your girl/boy friend, assuming you have one.

It is a pretty major shift. Your life goes from being about one thing, to being about a very different thing. I couldn’t contribute much, but listening to him share his concerns, and the girl doing her best to assure him that he’ll manage just fine, and adjust and be happy, and then joking that with his new money he’ll buy us all our own boats, I felt a similar concern.

I’m getting to the end of year 11, which means I only have 1 more year of school. Even though I have every intention of going straight to university (though I have no idea what I’ll be studying,) I’ll be dealing with everything he’s dealing with soon enough.

We live in a fast paced world, things that seem like they’re far off hit us in the face faster than a clever analogy, and soon we’ll all have to deal with major changes to our lives that we don’t necessarily want to face.

Theme of the week
            What a relevant deep n’ meaningful that you’ve had recently?

R. A. Lyons.

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