Wednesday 23 October 2013

51 - AL 15 - A Small Point Of Contention

Happy 50th Blog by the way, cause you didn’t actually mention that Dan.

So I had a shard of glass embedded in the end of my finger yesterday. And before you start worrying, which I know you both totally will, it was a small sharp of glass, and my finger is still fully functional… ladies. Okay, dialing back the creepy. (I can’t believe I typed that, and that Dan didn’t edit it out.)

This sharp of glass came from the screen of my phone, which recently got cracked in a funny story that I’ll recount next week. It became embedded in my finger while I was checking facebook on my phone in the morning. I was casually swiping back and forth across the screen, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left pointer finger. I would have investigated, but I was in the middle of sending a message to a rather amazing girl from the funny story, so I ignored it. 1 witty, flirty, but sincere message later, which failed to be witty, flirty or particularly sincere, the pain in my finger had disappeared, and so had my memory of it.

I then went to work. Work is only a 15 walk away, convenient for unfit people like me who need some incentive to do exercise. The sun came out about half way through, so I unzipped my jacket. My finger got snapped on the metal zip holder thing, and the pain shot down my finger. It was so sudden, and went away so quickly, that by the time I had moved my hand away, it was fine again. But I knew something was wrong, and this time I remembered. I looked closely, but in all seriousness, there was no proper marks on my finger. I thought it was odd, and decided to keep and eye out.

I got to work, and things progressed fairly normally. Occasionally, when I jammed my finger against something, like the several thousands keyboard keys, and knobs and dials on the control pads for the audio suites, it would sting a little, but nothing too serious. Basically, nothing about the situation made me at all believe that there was something badly wrong. I knew there was something, and memories rolled in my mind of the time Dan, you got scratched by your friend’s rabbit, and ended up having surgery. But I hadn’t come in contact with rabbits, or any animals for a fairly long time, and I don’t think these diseases build up to strike over time.

So I shrugged it off and went on with my day. Lunch came and went without incident, though someone did point out that I was holding my mug quite unnaturally in order to avoid any heat coming in contact with my finger. It was pretty simply a case of me being more interested in my work, then in my injuries. Perhaps not the healthiest way of going about things, but I’m not getting paid to be injured.

It was only towards the end of my work day that I started to get concerned. I still didn’t know that there was something actually ‘in’ my finger, so had assumed all day that it was some kind of nerve spasm or maybe I bruised my finger on something. But towards the end of my work day, I was fiddling with my keys, trying to wrench a key for upstairs (which my bosses boss always, ALWAYS locks before we’re done for the night, no matter how much we ask our boss to ask his boss not to.) Something in the mess of keys snapped on the piece of glass in my finger, and the pain was intense, and snapped down my finger and hand. I dropped the keys clamped down on the base of my finger to try and stop the blood flow, and numb. Finally, when I saw that a tiny amount of skin had been torn upwards, and a tiny drop of blood was now forming around it, that there was clearly something in finger.

It was already after 5, so some of the staff had gone home. I quickly raced around, looking for someone to give me a second opinion. By some miracle of luck, I ran into one of my female coworkers, who happened to have first aid training. She looked closely at my finger, washed it off, and asked if I had experienced any jabs of pain recently. I finally remembered my incident that morning, and showed her my smashed phone glass. She immediately diagnosed a minor case of ‘shard of glass in finger,’ then promptly produced a pair of tweezers, and expertly extracted it.

What oddities have you had stuck inside you lately causing you pain and discomfort?

Andrew Lyons.

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