Monday 7 October 2013

43 - RAL 14 - The Green Leaf Munchies

Here’s something funny that happened to me this week

Favorite Song Of The Moment
            ‘Beauty Killed The Beast V’ by James Newton Howard for 2005s ‘King Kong.’ Yes, I went and got the soundtrack. A sad, somber, succinct, sorrowful and other S words track that underscores the last few minutes of the film and a bit of the credits. It makes we want to write my books with an extra emotional edge,

Theme of the week
            The oddest thing that has happened to you recently (except you Dan, you finish your story.)

Oddest thing that has happened to me recently:

I feel like I’ve spent the last three weeks in the car, cause I’m been housesitting and driving to school from said housesitting house, which takes about an hour each day. This itself isn’t so bad, but mom and dad are always asking me to come home for various chores and things, as well as getting home to do my laundry and y’know… eat food. So really, I’m spending at least two hours each day in the car, and while for some adults this probably seems quite normal, for me, it’s really not normal. I’ve only had my ‘Red Ps’ for 4 months and I feel like I’ve already done more hours than I ever did on my Ls.

But anyway, the funny story is this.

I am driving along the highway for a decent portion of my car trip, and usually during very heavy traffic, so lots of cars get chances to look in and see what I’m doing. I’m assuming they don’t, but for the sake of this story, lets say lots of people do. I was leaving home after stopping by after school and mom decided to give me the remains of a salad from last nights dinner, correctly fearing that I didn’t eat much healthy food when I was housesitting.

Well on the drive home, I got rather hungry. I had been sitting in traffic for half an our, and only about a third of the way through the journey. I looked over to the passenger seat and saw that the salad had slipped out of the bag it was contained. Now I had previously assumed that the salad was contained in something sensible, like a container, but after it slipped out, I realized I was quite wrong. Mom had decided that the most efficient way to give me this salad, was to wrap it up on a large and heavy platter, and just put that in the bag. So here I was driving along, no passenger, but a giant platter of salad next to me.

But I was still hungry.

So I reached over and started munching on this salad. Carrots and lettuce and snow peas and baby spinach leaves and other salady things were all accounted for, and overall it was quite tasty.

So any passers by who happened to glance in, and plenty of people had the opportunity, the would have seen a 17 year old boy, tapping on the steering wheel to whatever was on the radio, munching on salad. It’s an odd sight to be sure.

Anyway, that’s my blog for the week, as you can tell, I don’t have all that much to talk about. But anyway.

Read from you tomorrow.

R. A. Lyons.

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