Wednesday 16 October 2013

49 - RA 16 - Outstorying Dan I

So I had a rather vivid, inspiring dream last night

I should explain the things that led up to the dream, then the dream itself, then the things that happened after. So without future ado (someone explain what that means place,) cue Daniel style storytelling.

Before The Dream:

One rather lazy Sunday, mom and dad were both out doing something (I actually don’t know what,) and I was feeling quite bored. The day was grey and incredibly humid that you could almost see the steam outside. Leaning back on the couch, wearing the minimum possible because it was so hot, I tried to get some story writing done. Story writing is not a tap that you turn on and off, more like a tap connected to an unpredictable water source, and the type of water that comes out changes every time. And sometimes water does come out, but you don’t know what type it is, so you try feeding the water to the wrong story, it doesn’t work, and then you’re back to having no water at all, and no story writing has gotten done. Water here means inspiration, in case the analogy got a bit strange.

Well, I was in that last kind of mood. I felt creatively inspired, but I didn’t know which of my writing projects I felt inspired to work on. The thing is, I’m working on a number of projects in different genres, from horror, to action, to spy/espionage, to comedy, to romance, and every combination thereupon. So often I feel inspired to write, and have no idea which project I’m feeling inspired about. It is almost a worse feeling than not being inspired at all, because you feel kinda useless.

So after about an hour of sitting, during which our dog was not helping me focus, constantly wanting attention and cuddles, I decided I needed a change of scenery. My feeling on inspiration wasn’t going away, so I called my friend and asked if I could come over and we could continue our Cowboy Bebop marathon. Cause even though Cowboy Bebop is a phenomenal show, nothing kills creative moods faster than watching TV (No offence to TV, you’re great.)

So I walked over to his house, and we watched another slew of episodes, till we got up to episode 22. He hadn’t actually seen past episode 22 before (I know right!?!?!) so I said we’ll make a proper event out of the last 4 episodes, and decided to head home. No sooner had I walked out the door, when it started raining.

I certainly don’t mind the rain, and the trip home isn’t all that long so I just kept walking.

The mood was somber and poignant. It was rainy, and hot, and misty, and cars occasionally appeared from the shadows and zoomed past. It felt like melancholic jazz should have been playing. A nice emotional saxophone solo would have been perfect, smoke rising from the roofs as the rain evaporated just as it hit.

And my creative inspiration lingered.

Now I should quantify, some of my creative inspiration does have to go into these blogs. It would be easy enough to write a blog about nothing at all, and have the theme of the week be something silly like ‘Cheese’ (Note to all: Next weeks theme of the week will be cheese,) but that won’t help the blog along.

But all my other projects need a lot more inspiration. And as I walked home, getting soaking wet, not getting any cooler, with Cowboy Bebop music stuck in my head, and still feeling inspired, I wondered if I would every get any writing done.

To be continued next week in: 52 RA 17 – [Insert Dramatic Title Here]

R. A. Lyons.

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