Friday 2 August 2013

18 - AL 5 - OrcHands!

Good morning brothers, I love the orchand arrangement.

I know this an odd way to start a blog, but I’ll elaborate. One of my ambitions is to a form an orchestra/band called something catchy like ‘Symphnic Beats.’ They will perform all the music I compose, and they can go on tour and perform around the world while I sit at home and watch on tv. It’ll be marvelous. Good old orchand, sounds so violent, but can be so good.

Anyway, with that bit of boring music ambition out of the way, my apartment smells bad. It smells bad not cause of anything I do, I keep my floordrobe exceptionally clean and well organised, it’s because of the previously mentioned construction site upstairs. The two floors above me used to be one very fancy apartment, but they are remodeling it into four slightly less fancy apartments, but they all get balconies, something I don’t have and am not getting.

Construction causes, among other things, a lot of noise, a lot of dust that gets absolutely everywhere, especially in your bed, and a number of unpleasant smells. Every dust has its own kind of smell, saw dust (whish isn’t that bad) brick dust which smells slightly more unpleasant. Then there’s the bad ones. Cement and mortar sawing and laying smells absolutely terrible, and when mixed in with paint fumes and glue laying and metal sawing and welding and whatever else they’re doing up there, it leads to me to thinking one particular thing. If I ever get a girl back to my apartment, she’ll take one step in, pause for a moment while she’s thinking of a reason to leave as quickly as possible, say that reason to me, and then off she’ll go into the night, never to be seen by me again.

I don’t think I need elaborate why I’d rather she didn’t disappear into the night, or diappear at all for that matter, but that is the situation that my apartment is currently in. They’re finishing construction in about a month, and the smelly destruction and building part is nearly over, so that’ll be a relief.

Now Dan, you seem to have completely to take on this weeks topic, which is talking about the masterpiece that is ‘Okami.’ As the inaugural player of the game when we got it about 7 years ago, I think I have the best insight on it. That game is amazing. Everything about it is just so well designed and so well thought out, and so incredible that I seriously don’t know why it didn’t sell more. And you can’t blame the COD games back in 2006 because fishing wasn’t quite the powerhouse of gaming that it is today. I don’t know why it didn’t sell, maybe the beautiful and unique art style didn’t sit well with games, or the engaging and compelling narrative made them a bit too emotional, or the fantastic and memorable music would have been too much for their itunes libraries. Who knows? But whatever the reason, it was a fraction as successful as it deserved to be, and fishing is only a fraction as good as its success would warrant.

Didn’t we have another topic this week that we proposed last week? I quite enjoyed our King Kong week, and I think there should be some kind of cycle to this. Movie, Music, TV, or something like that.

Favorite Song Of The Moment:
                        Since Okami got mention on Monday, my favorite song has been ‘The Shinshuu Plains’ themes, I know that there are two of them, but they are two parts of the same tune and I always listen to them together, so I count them as one.

And finally, I think next weeks topic should be our favorite animation. Not anime, just animation. That should  get us through another week.

Both of you are getting behind on your projects, my second song will be done in about ten minutes. So haha.

R. A., I’ll read from you on Tuesday (Though really on Thursday morning.) Dan, same deal.

Andrew Lyons.

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