Thursday 22 August 2013

26 - DL 10 - Bracketing It

Guess what R. A., you are now not the only one who is playing ‘Okami.’

After surfing around on Ebay for a while, I found a PS2 and Okami relatively cheap (considering how old the one is and how rare and popular is the other (grammar!)) I’ve tried to avoid getting any game consoles since leaving home cause I feel like if I got them, then my games collection would start to grow and I’d soon find myself falling behind on UNI work and not getting a job and going broke and ending up destitute and alone, with only my video games for comfort.

Or something like that….


I’m currently on the train home and I’m falling asleep out of sheer exhaustion (as opposed to say, being drugged or druknedness) and my stop is coming up, so writing this blog is what’s keeping me awake. Luckily, I now have some time to grow through the last couple of weeks of blogs (argghhh) and proof read them. And before either of you suggest just handing over the password to you, I don’t trust you, and am not going to, so don’t even ask. But yeah, that’ll be an exhaustive and boring exercise, but I will get that done. And I’m also hoping that’ll get me reprieve on my latest short film. I’m now two behind, and am kinda devoid of inspiration. I know that they’re not meant to be inspired pieces of cinema, or even very good, but that they’re just meant to make sure that I’m getting writing done, but I am seriously burnt out right now. Plus, I think the five (or six?) short films I’ve done so far are enough to digest.

Also, now that free time is heading my way, I’ll finally get our uploading work situation dealt with. So basically, as far as the blog goes, things are looking up. What I am hoping I can do is start running by feature film ideas I’m having with you. However small and unambitious my short films, my features are exactly the same. They are very small, usually in a single location, with a small cast, and based pretty much on two things. Visually looking great, and being well written. So when I’m putting the ideas up, keep that in mind. That way you won’t come back to me complaining about them being unspeakably boring and uncinematic.

Favorite Song Of The Moment:
            ‘Stardust Road’ from Super Mario Galaxy. Andrew, since I heard it last week, I has not gotten out of my head. In fact, I went and got the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack just for that track. There is, of course, a lot of other fantastic music in there, that makes me want to actually play the game (which I haven’t done.) Other close contenders are:
            ‘Pretty much every other world music in the entire soundtrack.’ This is a beautiful soundtrack, and Andrew, if you learn more music from it on the piano, you will never hear me complain.

R. A., I would love to read the first chapter of that book of yours. If that sounds general, it’s because the last I heard of any of your books was years ago, and I know from experience that stories completely change in that time. So yes, I am looking forward to that chapter. If it seems like you’re hitting dead ends, just keep writing. It is better to edit something that exists, than trying to imagine it.
Andrew. Great work, looking forward to more.

Well, my stop is coming up and somehow I’m still awake, so I guess I should go home.

Andrew, till tomorrow. R. A., till Friday.

(I patent the bracket in regards to this blog, if you want to use it, you must pay me royalties)

Daniel Lyons.

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