Friday 2 August 2013

17 - DL 7 - Sickness My Foe

To paraphrase a terrible movie that I will always regret paying actual money for, ‘Do you know what I hate about [being sick]? Everything.’

Good very-late at night R. A. and Andrew, and I am still sick. I don’t know the exact science of the situation, but R. A., you managed to infect your blog with sickness and it then got concentrated over the internet into a burst of pure sickness and irritation, and I then read the blog and got infected. So thank you for that R. A., thank you…

Actually, I am feeling a little better, which is only reminding that I’m now a week behind on everything. My work, my projects, my exercise and diet, but most importantly of all, I am now one short film behind, and am about to be a second. I don’t think I need to remind you how serious a problem this is, not handing in my short films is violating the brother-blog promise that I committed to, and the consequences could be never-ending. Actually, considering it’s only the two of you reading this, I think I’ll be ok. But I will get onto that as soon as I’m healthy and have time.

Being sick is terrible for nearly every reason, and this can be expressed by running through its effect on every part of my day:

Waking Up – I dread waking up because a second later my senses become active and every sore muscle and deadened limb, and pulsing headache pulse and sore eyes becomes painfully

Getting Up – I am normally quite a cold person, hence the several heaters I have placed around my dorm room. But when I’m sick, the relative unpleasantness of getting up becomes either even colder, or I’m boiling hot from fever and roll myself out of bed and onto the floor just to cool off.

Food – I don’t eat a whole lot when I’m sick, mostly cause my appetite is one of the first things to go, though Andrew you’d be quick to point out how skinny I am anyway, so this hardly changes my diet. I do try to drink plenty of fluids though, which is hard when it all takes like regurgitation in my mouth.

Work – You must be kidding me

Exercise – Now you’re just being hilarious

TV – Now there’s something I can do while in a sickly stupor. I normally don’t watch a whole lot of tv, and when I do it’s usually an animation (Futurama for-the-win) and only one episode. The tv show I descended upon this time was the recently ended Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated. Without going into too much detail about childhood nostalgia, I loved every minute of that show from start to end.

Hygiene – Shockingly, when I’m sick I tend to stay much cleaner than normal. I shower a lot, and frequently was my hands, and try to wear clean clothes everyday.

Going To Sleep – Being sick means I don’t do that much during the day, so I tend to have stores of energy that are still being used up at the end of the day. This means I tend to be up till the early hours of the morning, probably watching the aforementioned mystery solving comedy-drama.

And that’s a day in the life of me being sick. I hope neither of you ever have to endure this. I’m going to call it anime/ation-addiction, cause I have a suspicion that a lot of people act like this when they get sick.

Andrew, I’ll read form you tomorrow. R. A., till Tuesday.

Daniel Lyons.

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