Tuesday 30 July 2013

16 - RA 6 - Dramaticism

I must say Andrew, sitting in a sweltering recording booth, and Dan who is comfortably in bed, that I am very, very cold.

I’m cold because I still go to school, and my school is a very, very cold place. It’s not because of it’s geography, or that there is very cold weather, in fact outside seems to be very nice. The problem is that the school is made seemingly all of brick, and it repels roughly 110% of all sunlight, so it actually gets colder no matter how much suns pours onto it. The other problem is the heating inside is an absolute joke, there are small space heaters stuck into the corners that heat nothing. That is not an exaggeration, you can leave them on full blast for weeks at a time, nothing is getting any hotter. And Andrew, if you think sitting in your workplace and writing blog is questionable, I’m sitting in a physics class and writing blog, I think that sets a new low bar for poorest place to write blog. While physics is very interesting and all, and I certainly love knowing how the world works in all it’s strange and amazing ways, that doesn’t mean it isn’t very boring.

Here’s a topic that occurred to me reading the last couple of blogs.

We have this alarming tendency to

Break the blog into


For very little reason other than, seemingly

Dramatic Impact.

In short, while we might be getting points for entertaining each other, I don’t think we’re scoring much in the way of academic writing. Then again, we cite work and don’t reference it, tend to ramble about nothing in particular, and most un-academically, have our own opinions on things. So yeah, don’t put these blogs on google scholar or anything.

And I have decided that this weeks topic is ‘Okami’ (2005, Clover Studios.) Dan, after you mentioned the shrine from near the end of the game that I’m not even going to try and remember the name of (Seriously, how did you do that, you don’t even have the game, I do,) I dusted it off and started a new game. I am quite a completionist, so naturally I avoid games like Okami because there’s so much to do that can be easily be missed and subsequently extremely difficult to find later. But I cranked open the game, and started reimmersing myself in this interactive experience. Thinking of it from a purely critical palce, the game is absolutely flawless, with endless charm and invention, outstanding all around gameplay, graphics, music, art style, memorable characters and a compelling story. The only detractions from a gamer stand point is that the dialogue can be a little bit WAY-TOO-MUCH-TALKING-SHUT-UP-ALREADY! Plus, it is simply a very unique game, I have never seen another game even remotely like it. One of my friends said it was a feudal Japanese Legend Of Zelda, but that’s like saying that Mario set in Brooklyn is still a Mario game. Well… we know how much that movie had to do with the games. [Shudders] So no, it is an all around fantastically amazing games that is among the greatest ever designed and easily among

My Favorites

Of all time.

Did I break it into paragraphs so I didn’t have to write as much blog… Maybe.
Dan, I’ll read from you tomorrow. Andrew, till Thursday.

R. A. Lyons.

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