Saturday 6 July 2013

3 - DL 2 - Battle Begin!

Good day R. A.

I’ve settled on Wednesday to be my day, since I am the middle child, and in our email sword fight, you eventually settled on Tuesdays. As soon as Andrew agrees to get in on this, his day will be Thursday, though I don’t know if he’ll do one this week.

In response to your challenge, I have written a short film not about monsters, but instead about people who torture each other as a method of expressing their love. More internal monstrosity than external, but it still needs revising. I’ll post it up here tomorrow for you to see. True to my newly formed lesson of taking you seriously, I went out and bought two external hard drives, and now have what I think is the same set up as you. Or at least I hope because yours sound great, and would help you sleep at night. 

Speaking of sleeping at night, we seemed to be emailing in the middle of the night when we should be sleeping, and I can’t think of any excuse for this seeing as our time zones are only three hours apart. And you’re ahead of me, so when I’m up at midnight emailing you and you respond in five minutes, I can only assume you developed some kind of insomnia.

So here’s my challenge for you this week, since you seem to have so much time on your hands, pick one of the books that you lost and reconstruct the chapters for it. It shouldn’t take you more than a week, seeing as you’ve done it already, but it should keep you busy.

Also, a new trailer for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug just came out, I think that could be a good topic for next week.

Till next Tuesday.
Daniel Lyons.

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