Saturday 6 July 2013

6 - AL 1 - Sibling Cruelty

You guys are crazy. And I’m not just saying that cause I’m contractually obligated to as the oldest brother.

I’ll insert a little note at the beginning of this blog: this has taken me over two hours to write, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that every week. I’m not actually a writer of words like you two, with your novels and screenplays, I write music, and it has way fewer words. Still, as you put it so compassionately R. A., either I do the blog, or you start telling Mother and Father about all the times you covered for me sneaking out. So I guess I have no choice.

Now back to what I actually wrote. I more-or-less agree with your observations on ‘The Desolation Of Smaug’ trailer, Dan, but I’d phrase it a little differently. My problem with ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ was that it kind-of felt restrained. Like it never quite reached the emotive, or dramatic, or dazzlingly spectacular heights that Peter Jackson and crew can achieve. I really have no way to explain in proper filmmaking terms, but I will say that the music, for certain, did reach the emotional crescendos that the scores to Lord of the Rings, or King Kong reached. Dan, you may be able to tell me more, but since this is the last post of the week, I guess we should pick a new topic.  Just started listening to ‘Of Monsters and Men’s’ album ‘My Head Is An Animal,’ have you guys listened to it?

And about this blog… Whose idea what this? I’ve only read Dan’s blog from yesterday so you may have mentioned it before, but whichever of you did, you have heard of phones haven’t you? Phones, and skype, and email, and facebook, and twitter, and the other million ways there are to communicate that are much more efficient than blogs. Just checking. Although I am fully prepared to eat my words if when I go back and read the first blogs, you give some valid reason for it. Speaking of eating, R. A., as it happens Dan wasn’t the one who started the tradition of leaving your younger brother in some precarious place while you go get food, that was unfortunately started by me. When he was 12 and I was 14, I left him sitting on top of a coastal shelf while I walked the hundred metres back to our umbrella and bags to get sandwhiches. I am sorry about that Dan.

I guess we'll have to see how well this works out.
Till Tuesday R. A., and Wednesday Dan.

Andrew Lyons.

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