Sunday 21 July 2013

11 - DL 5 - Leaning In

Good late-at-night R. A., and a very late at night to you to Andrew.

I think you’ll both be happy to know that I just finished my third short film script, and I think it’s the best one yet. It’s about a man who works for a time travel agency that goes back and corrects anomalies, but before you start picking holes it has a very different way of approaching its time travel than we’ve seen before, and while I have no way of posting it up for now, I will do that soon.

As for my creative writing, some parts of your blog yesterday I think are exactly right. I definitely get my best writing done in-between things, like a segue from one part of life to another. In fact I frequently write this blog on the train. But I am actually quite vehemently against depriving yourself of sleep to get writing done, simply because it is freaking absurd. Like any insomniac games (That is to say, games that involve not sleeping, not the game studio who make outstanding games,) anything you write when sleep deprived is likely to be terrible. You said yourself that it has a small success rate. Just… GAHHH, it’s just ridiculous. Don’t do that to yourself R. A., you will do so much better just getting enough sleep and writing things during the day.

Anyway, my part of that topic is done. Andrew, it’s up to you to finish the cycle. Next week, can we please have an easier topic? A film would be nice and easy. Email me your suggestions, though I'm going with ‘King Kong,’ either the original from 1933, or the remake from 2005.

What’s new? Well, I don’t have any glitchy microwave stories, but I do have a construction story. R. A., I’m sure you’ll remember a few years ago when I lived at home that we were renovating, and there was scaffolding pretty much everywhere. Well, we didn’t feel too unsafe about it, cause it was just us in the house and I don’t think anyone would want to sneak in anyway.

But now I don’t live at home, and there’s scaffolding set up to renovate something in an apartment above mine, and I’ve got to say, it’s freaking me out. The scaffolding is not exactly out my window, but close enough for people to lean over and look in. I’ve actually gotten thicker curtains in the last week, but it’s not helping me feel any better. The fact that anyone passing by, at any time of the night or day, needs only jump a moderate height wall, and climb up the scaffolding, which is very easy to do, can look into my apartment is very daunting. I think that’ll probably be what my next film is about, which I’ll write on time this week.

Andrew, I have a challenge for you, since you say you need one. I don’t actually remember, but can you sing? If so, then here’s your challenge, every week write some kind of song building up to a musical. I’m happy to play piano parts, and you can play whatever instruments you do know (Seriously, you don’t how to play the piano? You’re a composer…) There’s your challenge, the songs don’t have to be good, or listenable, or anything, you just have to get them composed and recorded.

So here are our challenges:
R. A.  – Still working on a functional challenge for you, cause it takes more than a week to write a chapter of a book. But we’ll get there
Me – A short film every week
Andrew – A song of a musical every week.

I think that wraps up another blog, Andrew, I’ll read from you tomorrow. R. A., till Tuesday.

Daniel Lyons.

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