Saturday 6 July 2013

7 - RAL 3 - Improvements

Hello brothers, R. A. here.

‘Of Monster’s And Men’ in an unexpectedly popular group that seem to have nailed the ‘jig’ side of music making, something that’s been missing in the scream-synthesised laden world of modern pop music. After you mentioned the album, I went out and bought. That’s right, bought, with money. I had been meaning to for a while anyway, so I thought this was as good a prompt as any. So I spent the weekend listening to it, and to me there are three fantastic tracks. ‘Dirty Paws,’ ‘Mountain Sound’ and of course US billboard hit, ‘Little Talks.’ They’re all great songs, the singers are very talented without being overpowering, and the instrumentation is superb. However, it is very debut-album-y. I guess this makes since, it is a debut album, and Andrew I’m sure you can tell me more, does that thing common in debut albums that the best and most lively songs are at the beginning, and it gets slower and less active as the album progresses. It makes the beginning seem great, but the album overall kinda lacking. It’s probably just me though. Overall, it’s pretty fantastic, and I hope to see more from them. Second albums are usually big steps up in terms of sound and style, so till then.

Speaking of not listening to a word I say, Dan, what is going on with your scripts? I remember them being slow and boring, and nothing really happening and me thinking that this would make a really boring film. Did you finally listen to me? Cause the two scripts you’ve posted up are really good. The one is dramatic and engaging, is a little ridiculous and probably really hard to film and act, and the other is just really charming. I, of course, credit myself for these changes, as I’ve been telling you for years the various revelations I’ve had in trying to be a good writer. One of them is getting to the point, that things are most interesting when relateable characters are in exceptional situations, and figuring out what’s catchy about the film, and making that the entire point. Well done, they are, I think at least, excellent short scripts, that would make excellent short films.

Thirdly, welcome aboard Andrew. If you’re worried that writing these blogs will take forever, don’t. From week 2 till now, I write the blog in a quarter of the time, and I think they’ve improved. Whether you and Dan think so is up to you. Really though, it’s a combination of practice and blissful ignorance. We don’t really know how blogs work, and what’s more, we don’t know if we’re doing a good job or not, and that makes writing a lot easier, there’s not criteria for how to write it properly, so we can just write. And practice is how quickly we can get thoughts onto the page. It’s like writing your music Andrew, you think of a melody or instrumental part, and you get good at quickly transcribing it. I feel like there should be a joke in there, but that’s another thing to practice at.

Fourthly, I’m finally getting my long overdue chapter outline together. It’s about a group of three people trapped in a golf club during an unspecified zombie apocalypse as they slowly start going mad. And by slowly, I mean quickly, or the book would be pretty boring for the first half. It’s been difficult, cause the second I started reassembling the plot, I wanted to change everything about it. Which I’ve done. But anyway, that’s finally coming together. So it’ll be up soon.

Dan, I’ll read from you tomorrow. Andrew, till Thursday.

R. A. Lyons.

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