Saturday 6 July 2013

4 - RAL 2 - Dee-Sisp

Hello Dan, a middle of the night greeting to you.

While I don’t have insomnia, I do have this habit of doing all my best writing between about 11 at night and 4 in the morning, and according to my writer friends this is not uncommon. So instead of calling it insomnia, I’d call it deliberate-creativity-inducing-sleep-deprivation, or DCISD (Dee-Sisp.) What’s more, I know that you suffer from Dee-Sisp, but that as you’ve grown into old age it has become slightly earlier in the day. Anyway, onwards!

You clearly underestimate exactly how much work goes into planning a novel sized story, or at least the amount of story I try to fit in to my novels. Giving me one week is tough, but you are right, I have written it before. Writing is not like something you just do, it’s not cooking or gardening or playing Portal, you can only do it in certain state, and even then most of what you write is probably garbage. A lot of Dee-Sisp went into all of my writing, and now that it’s all gone, I can’t give you an exact time frame of when I’ll be able to assemble everything again, but I don’t think it would stretch your imagination to know that it would take a while.

In lighter news, Andrew seems to be getting on board on with the blog, and I told him to email you with his first entry so you can post it up. If he’s anything like he was in school, I suspect you’ll have some pretty extensive rewriting to do, to make it readable. I realize I haven’t actually seen older brother Andrew in over a year, so this blog will be a chance to reconnect somewhat. And what day will he post on? I would suggest a Thursday, cause then the three of us are in order and it’ll be neat for our parents and friends to read.

As for the ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug,’ trailer. OH MY GOD!!! It looks so cool. It looks like ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,’ but with a bit more plot, some more notable locations from the book, and some more actual dragon. My favorite part is actually the picture of Bilbo (Martin Freeman for the win!) standing at, I think, the shore of a lake looking at The Lonely Mountain. It is stunning artwork, and really makes me want to see the movie. I just wish they would post more blogs, I know you keep saying that they don’t show enough actual production, which they do, but Peter Jackson said they’d have another blog very early in the new year, and it’s July already. Come on Jackson, be cool.

I can’t wait for someone to try adapting my books. Although I guess I have to get, at least some of them, published first. While at this point that seems further away than ever, I’ll try to get the chapter outline for something posted up by next Tuesday, or you can suggest something cruel for me to do. And I know how you love to leave me sitting on top of ladders for twenty minutes while you make pizza. I know that very, very well.

Till tomorrow.
R. A. Lyons.

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