Monday 5 August 2013

19 - RA 7 - Blogging On The Move

Good afternoon Dan and Andrew, I’m on a bus.

It’s a bus I’m sure you’re both intimately familiar with, the bus home from school. Notable features of the bus, it’s gotten a lot emptier since your respective days, and the driver went from a reasonable person, to a bossy boots, to a maniac, to a slacker, and back to a reasonable person. The traffic getting home as gotten worse though, you guys would get home a very neat 25 minutes after school ended, I get home between 35-45 depending on the traffic. But, it does leave me time to write blog.

Speaking of writing blog, I was thinking of making some kind of arbitrary limit on how much/little we can type for each blog. Generally I think we’re all writing about one page with the difference coming from our

Dramatic Use

Of paragraphs, or if you’re Andrew. So I’m enforcing this one page limit on all blogs, and honestly, if we can’t fit everything into one page, then I think we’re saying too much anyway. And I can’t say I ever thought that I would be putting a limit on maximum we could write, and not minimum.

Favorite Song Of The Moment:
A toss up between Little Talks, because I’ve been listening to that album a lot lately, and the ‘Northern Country Kamui’ theme from Okami, cause Andrew, you’re not the only one who can download Japanese game soundtracks.

Little Talks because it’s an awesome song, that is unabashedly upbeat but still very thoughtful. Plus, its an Icelandic jig, and who doesn’t like those.
            Northern Country Kamui theme because it sounds like adventure, and everyone loves adventure. Especially when you’re sitting on a bus for 40 minutes at the end of a school day with nothing else to think about.

Dan, I know you’ve been very busy with University catchup and all, but please get on top of a way to put our work on Google Blogger. It doesn’t matter if anything we post up is under creative commons cause I don’t think we’ll be trying to make money off it anyway. I looked it up on google, and there are at least a few pretty easy ways to put a link up that goes to a site that archives the work. Andrew, you’ll probably have to put your songs on youtube, sorry about that (more to listeners than to you personally.)

Finally, I don’t think last week had much of a theme persee, so I’m imposing one on this week. I got kind of behind on reading my Artemis Fowl, like two books behind, so I asked a couple friends if they happened to own them. None did, so I went to this magical and oft forgotten place, the Library. As it happened, my library card was so old that it was actually two generations of revamped cards behind. But anyway, I got the two Artemis Fowl Books (Atlantis Complex & Last Guardian) and that’s what I’m reading at the moment. Atlantis Complex is pretty good, although it is a lot more childish than I remember the Artmeis Fowl series being. I suppose I did read the third book ago (Time Paradox) about 4 years ago when I was 13, so that I might explain it. What books, if any, are you guys reading?

Dan, I hope you get on top of your work, and Andrew, hopefully I’ll be hearing your crackly off key voice soon.

R. A. Lyons.

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