Thursday 8 August 2013

21 - AL 6 - High Pitched Rumble

Well the horrible construction smells, and endless destruction have stopped. And now I think it has given me tinnitus.

Not tetnis before you start worrying, I’m not about to die from rusty metals stabbing me, but tinnitus, which is a perpetual ringing in your ears. Either that, or I’ve had it for a while and the constant noise from the destruction made my ears seal shut, and now that it’s over they’re opened up wider than ever, and I can finally hear it. Who knows, but basically, it’s an affliction that apparently never leaves you for the rest of your life, and that you learn to live with. So, isn’t that fun?

Anyway, my third song, about rowing a kayak up a mountain, is going to be done soon, but I’m afraid that I’ve kinda strained my voice. See, when I try to sing falsetto, Chris Martin style, I realise that my voice can’t really take it. But I push anyway, cause I think it’s a nice part of the music, and now I’m facing the consequences, I can barely talk, Roger Ebert style. Although Roger Ebert, as I’m sure you’ve heard Dan, couldn’t talk because of a cancer operation, and I’ve just been singing too much.

That’s another thing, thanks to this stupid challenge, I’ve started singing everything I know the lyrics to, and in case you haven’t noticed over the years, I can’t actually sing very well. And it has been a hard habit to break, cause something from ‘Of Monsters and Men’ or ‘Matt Nathanson’ or ‘Snow Patrol,’ or even ‘Michael Buble’ will come up, and suddenly there’s off-key Andrew sitting in the corner singing along without even realising it. So thanks for that brothers, I totally needed that when this blog started. It’s like when you quote character’s when movies are playing Dan, or how you always books aloud as if you’re voice acting R. A..

And R. A., as if I don’t write enough blog. I’m about half a page through and I haven’t even started talking about anything yet. By the time this blog is done, you’re going to wish you hadn’t said that. Or typed it, who knows, maybe you also speak your blogs out loud as you’re typing them.

Anyway, calming down now.

So it has been several hours since I wrote, and as it happens, I was back in the recording booth listening to n argument between a piano player and the producer, who are arguing about whether the piano is in tune or not. It is, just for reference, and the piano player was annoying me anyway. I ended up stepping in and playing a simpler version of the piano bit, which was fine for about a minute before the piano player suddenly decided that it was back in tune, and so stepped back in, or rather slid me off the piano chair.

I’m now back at home, enjoying the peace and quiet of my ears ringing, and soothing my throat with a whole bottle of orange juice, my favorite cure for disease. Y’know, I got curious about this good ol’ orange juice for no particular reason, and so I looked how it is made on youtube. Turns out, I am not the only curious one, and that there is a whole series of dozens of videos on youtube that explain how things get made. I escpecially liked the ones about doughnuts and cheesecakes. Turns out that everyone talking about how artificial and fake these mass produced foods are haven’t really done their research. Turns out, they’re actually made from real ingredients, just like you would do at home. And these preservatives that people say are so unhealthy, are just things like honey, that naturally seal foods from the elements. Though they do tend to add sugar to things that you wouldn’t think needed it. Orange juice is really just oranges, that are crushed, and then filtered for seeds, and then repulped, bottled and sent off for drinking. And chilled, can’t forget that, nice chilled orange juice.

This has actually been quite nice, writing the blog. I haven’t said it yet, but I actually enjoy sitting down each week and pretending that I’m talking to my brothers. I don’t think we’ve ever talked enough, and especially now when I can’t speak and have had a relatively stressful week, it’s nice to have a quiet chat with you guys.

That’s one page, so brothers, I’ll read from you next week.

Andrew Lyons.

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