Wednesday 7 August 2013

20 - DL 8 - Gaining Ground

Dan, I am touched by your concern for both me and my workload, and I will try to get both of those up to scratch.

Favorite Song Of The Moment:
            Central Park from the King Kong score, the 2005 one. It is a beautiful piece, that is just really, really nice to listen to. In fact, I wouldn’t mind learning it on the piano.

Which leads me to my title for the week, Gaining Ground. Normally I write the blog in Microsoft Word and then paste it into Google Blogger and come up with some vaguely relevant title at the last minute before publishing it, but I actually began with the title this time. I thought that maybe if I had some direction for what the blog should be about I would write it faster. But I think I should have learnt by now that how fast I write the blog has nothing to do with anything. In fact, it really has more to do with me realising how late at night it is on my blog day, and I haven’t written anything yet, so need to rush one out.

So as for gaining ground, that pretty much refers to my UNI work. I am buried under it at the moment, between Film Theory Essays and Editing Television Pilots. In fact, the only time I’ve looked away from my computer since my disease finally ran in fear from my immune system, is when I’ve been asleep. And then the computer hasn’t been off, but probably busy rendering something or exporting a movie from Premiere Pro. But anyway, you can both rest assured that I am getting on top of my work, and that soon I’ll have time to catch up on my other big commitment, writing short films for the blog.

R. A., I have finally gotten a way to get our PDF’s up onto blogger, though I need to make an account for the website and do some linking, and basically it would take more time than I have right now. And I’m not just saying that because I’m behind on my films, I’m saying that because I sincerely don’t have time. Andrew, this problem does not exempt from putting your songs up onto youtube, and I know you emailed me that you don’t want to make a youtube account (am I the only one willing to actually do any work?) but you can use my account if you’d like, which I’ll email to you. There should be three songs up by this point.

Okay, this actually should have come last paragraph, but this one is more relevant. R. A., I have your challenge, since you’ve successfully not posted anything up on the blog at all. Well… Except for your actual blogs. Your challenge is to post the first chapter of whatever book your working on. I know how the writing process works, and I can promise that you’ll change virtually all of it by the time you would get it published, and what’s more, you can’t possibly give away too much information in the first chapter, and if you are, then you need to write it better. So yeah:
Andrew, get your 3 songs on youtube
Me, two short films behind and get the links going
R. A., post up a chapter
I think that’ll be challenging enough for now.

And since this blog hasn’t been very funny, here’s a joke:
What’s worse than being behind on non-compulsary blog work?
Being behind on compulsory UNI work.

Andrew, I’ll read from you tomorrow (cause I actually read them when they’re posted, and not just because I’m the one who posts them.) R. A., I look forward to reading that chapter.

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