Tuesday 20 August 2013

25 - RAL 9 - Getting Organised

Good late-at-night brothers.

I’m in the middle of my exams, so you’ll have to forgive my full attention not being on getting my blogs done on time. Luckily, my last exam was today, so I’ve been sitting back and playing Okami for the last three to five hours.

Favorite Song Of The Moment:
            A tie between ‘The Eight Dog Warrior’s Theme’ and ‘Reset ~ “Thank You” Version.’ They are both songs filled with emotion, and represent something powerful, what happens when you are loyal to, and fight for, a cause. And yes, I’m still listening to the Okami soundtrack a lot after a month.

            Andrew, were you playing the ‘Space Junk Galaxy’ theme from Super Mario Galaxy, because that’s very impressive. Well done, you have certainly come a long way in the last few months as far as your piano playing goes. Although, since you are a composer, I would arguably say that you are years behind how good you should actually be.
            Also, you’re songs have gotten a lot better. I know you’re not putting too much effort in, and they’re not meant to be any good anyway, but they’ve started really telling stories about a person struggling with something. Plus, you’re singing isn’t that terrible, you just have a limited range and often sing off tune with the actual music. Otherwise you’re fine. Lessons certainly wouldn’t hurt, but I think that it shouldn’t be particularly high on your list of priorities.
            Dan, I’m sorry but I’ve been busy with exams and video games, and I haven’t read any of the scripts you’ve emailed me. But I’m sure you’re improving just as much as Andrew is in your script writing.
            And as for me, well I have exams (just in case you hadn’t noticed yet) and so I haven’t quite gotten the chapter finished. But I’m working on it, and I’ll have it done… at some point. Don’t pressure me, writing a novel is hard. Show not tell, and good story structure and all that.

Theme Of The WEEK:
Setting out each of our jobs. For example:
R. A.  – Theme of the week chooser – because I’m the first one and I’ve been doing it for the last month.
Dan – Creator and CCO – Because he created it, and has decided the creative directions that we’re following.
Andrew - ??? – Appoint yourself a job to do with this blog and get back to me. Or just post it in your blog. And it has to be something that matters.

Actual Theme Of The WEEK:
Getting all of three of us to go out and buy Of Monsters & Men’s ‘My Head Is An Animal’ is, I think, our current gold standard of brotherhood. And since we haven’t really talked about a music album since then, I’m going to suggest that should be this weeks theme. But since it’s already nearly 11 at night, and Dan, you are calling me right now, probably to ask where my blog is, I’ll strike up a deal. Each of us will propose an album, or soundtrack, or score or whatever we’d like to talk about, then on Friday we’ll each put up an extra blog about it. A short one, just about the album we choose.

Sound good?

Alright, Dan you can stop calling, cause I’m sending the blog already.

Dan, till right now. Andrew, I’ll read your suggestions on Thursday.

R. A. Lyons.

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