Thursday 15 August 2013

24 - AL 7 - Tricky Positions

Hello there brothers. You’ve stuck me in a rather difficult position, a bit like the time that both of you took that ladder out of the pool while it was nearly empty.

See, my dream job isn’t really something you can get interviewed for, it’s something I would begin myself and that would hopefully gain in popularity. And more to the point, it’s not really a job. I already have my dream job, which is to be a composer and small-time sound mixer, so what I would interview for is more my hobby.

I was describing a week or two ago about my love for all things orchand. When an orchestra is complimented by a band (guitar, electric, bass, drums) it opens up whole new dimensions of compositional opportunities. So yeah, my dream ‘job’ is to run an orchestra band, they can perform the music I compose for different productions, plus we can write lyrical stuff and release albums, and they can go on tour, while I sit and watch on tv. I don’t how you would interview someone for that exactly, so sorry but I’ll have to give the precise theme a miss.

Also, Dan, don’t you have like 10 dream jobs? Just saying, don’t limit yourself to just wanting to write one thing; at least R. A. had the options for many different books.

On that ‘Doctor Who’ note, talk about some nice orchand going on in that scene. Murray Gold frequently uses some orchand arranging for the scores of that show, the ‘Doomsday’ suite from series 2 is just fantastic. In fact, funny space filling out story, the ‘Doomsday’ suite is actually what got the original scores released at all. They weren’t going to release them but thousands of people wrote and called and pestered the BBC about releasing it, so they got Murray Gold to put together all the music and they released a soundtrack of music from series’ 1&2. This goes as a lesson for all TV shows, especially ones with good music, it will never, ever hurt to release the music. Otherwise to listen to it, we have to either find badly ripped versions online or watch the actual episode, and both of those have respective unpleasant things about them.

The construction site upstairs is calming down, and I’m a little upset because some of my song writing inspiration has come from it (See ‘Men with Hammer and Iron Nails’ for reference.) One of my friends at work caught me singing that song actually, and said that I should sing to torture people into giving up secrets, and I said ‘Don’t worry, the only people I’m torturing are the people on youtube.’ But in all seriousness, I really can’t sing, but I love doing it. Should I get singing lessons? Get back to me on that.

Also, a while ago Dan, you challenged to record me something that was not necessarily difficult, but that sounded difficult. I’ve finally gotten good enough at the piano to give that a try, so I’ll be putting up a song and a piano track this week. This week’s song is about a woman wandering through a labyrinth that turns out to be his itunes library. It’s quite funny cause he’s a giant nerd and mostly has soundtracks to movies and games.

“So why do you want to perform here at [concert hall X]? Mr…”
“Lyons, Andrew Lyons. Well I’ve been working with this group of musicians for the last few months, and we’re a popular kind of music that I think would draw a pretty good audience. “
“You’re not a recognizable band though, how can we market you.”
“Well we’re up on youtube, so we can do some marketing on there. Plus, there are a fair few of us in the group, so we can definitely draw some crowds through word of mouth.”
“And tell me, what kind of music are you performing?”
“We’re an Orchand group.”
“I see, and that’s what? Death metal or hard rock or something. The name is a bit like that Goblin group isn’t it?”
“No, no, no. It’s an orchestra band. The beauty and majest of an orchestra, with the energy and kick of a band. People would like it, trust me.”

Anyway brothers, till next week.

Andrew Lyons. 

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